The Seattle Preschool Selection process takes into consideration various factors. Eligible preschoolers will be selected through a random selection process that utilizes the following criteria:
Child’s age: Children who are age 4 on or before August 31 of the school year will receive priority over children who are age 3.
Home address: If you select a site that is in the same Seattle Public Schools elementary attendance zone as your home address, you will receive priority for that site over children living in other parts of the city.
Siblings: Additional preference is given to children with siblings who will be enrolled/attending SPP at the same time or attending Seattle Public Schools in the same building. To receive preference for an SPS sibling, please include
the SPS student ID on your application.
Homeless and Foster/Kinship Care: Children from unhoused families or in foster/kinship care will receive priority placement.
Dual Language or Lower Income 3-year olds: Three-year old children who do not have attendance zone priority will receive priority if they have a household state median income (SMI) below 54% OR if they speak a heritage language AND have a household state median income (SMI) below 94%.